Emily Washines is a Yakama tribal member and descendent of Yakamas that fought in the Yakama War. She will be speaking about Yakama War that took place from 1855-1859 and will screen her short film “Yakama War: Ayat.” The talk will include research from a descendant of U.S. Soldier in the Yakama War.
Emily comments on Yakama War and her film:
“Ayat means woman in the Yakama Language. I hope that through this talk and film I am able to tell a part of this war story. I realize there are many stories to tell and they are fragmented just as the shrapnel and just as shrapnel they can be sharp to pick up and dangerous to revisit. However, the image that kept coming to mind was that of the Yakama women in war, and since my own perception of the letters from war shifted after I was a mother, I wanted to talk about Ayat and tell her story.”
Film was supported by the Native Creative Development Grant Program (The Evergreen State College).