Museum After Hours is a free monthly presentation series to be held on the last Thursday of every month. These presentations are great to learn more about this area and community, whether you have been here forever or just arrived. The event touches on topics ranging from regional culture, history, and natural history to the roles and responsibilities of museums within our community.  The talks will take place in the Entrance Building right at close - at 5 pm from March through October and at 4 pm from November through February. If you miss a live lecture, you can catch up on our YouTube channel where we post the recordings.

Click here for our Museum After Hours playlist on YouTube (don’t forget to subscribe).

Are you interested in sponsoring this program? Contact the Museum to find out how!

The Fort Walla Walla Museum may photograph, film, or videotape visitors for educational and promotional purposes. By visiting the Museum, you consent to the use of your likeness, voice, or video image for these purposes.