If you are interested in how inhabitants of the distant past lived in the Walla Walla Valley, appreciate the character an old house gives to your neighborhood, or enjoy window shopping and dining in downtown Walla Walla, you will want to attend this public meeting to provide your opinions and ideas for a new Washington State Historic Preservation Plan.
The Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) is working to update its current preservation plan for implementation in 2019. Your help is sought to define strategies and tasks for the state to better protect archaeological sites and landscapes, plus historic buildings and districts.
Join us in the Grand Hall at Fort Walla Walla Museum on Thursday, July 19 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. DAHP staff will be on hand to discuss current preservation efforts and gain your feedback. The meeting will include small group discussions and brainstorming.
For more information about the meeting contact Greg Griffith at DAHP at 360-586-3073 or greg.griffith@dahp.wa.gov.