Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations have intrigued Walla Wallans since its earliest days. Pei-lin Yu and Susan Monahan will describe the colorful Lunar New Year rituals of the town's Chinese community over time, sharing historic photos, newspaper accounts, and residents' memories of the holiday.
And what about that Dragon Dance that was the showpiece of Walla Walla parades in bygone days? Come hear about the recent discovery of the location of the actual dragon—he has a name and still exists-- that danced in our streets over a hundred years ago.
Lunar New Year celebrations are happening here in Walla Walla in January and February. Susan and Pei-lin will share local opportunities for the community to participate in this colorful holiday.
About the Presenters:
Pei-Lin Yu is the Tribal Liaison for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District. She is also Affiliate Professor of Anthropology at Boise State University, and a Fulbright Senior Fellow. Her research interests include the cultural heritage of Chinese communities in the American West, and ancient hunting and gathering lifeways.
Susan Monahan is a local historian with a special interest in our Chinese Community history. She contributes articles to the UB, has given frequent talks at Fort Walla Walla Museums's After Hours, and coordinates the museum's Living History Program