Fort Walla Walla Museum will host its first live radio play. Written and acted by volunteers, this play is a retelling of H.G. Wells' "The War of the World", but it hypothesizes that the alien threat of the original story lands at Bennington Lake and it is the people of Walla Walla who are the first to contact the new extraterrestrial threat.
The original story was written in 1897 and was later staged as a radio broadcast in 1938, with faux news anchors and a true cast of characters interviewed throughout the story. It is believed that some of the original audience to the broadcast missed the introduction of the show and believed the play to be a real news broadcast, sparking outrage and panic in listeners. This tumultuous history makes it the perfect spooky story in the lead-up to Halloween.
A perfect evening event, there will be food, drinks, and entertainment provided. Admission starts at $7 for adults and $5 for seniors. Fort Walla Walla Museum Members receive free admission.
Thank you to Gary Lentz for developing this adaptation and writing the script, this project would not have happened without his vision.